Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Top Triggers of Cold Sores on the Lips - Learn the Common Causes For... | When you wake up with that familiar tingle on the lip, you know you are in for a ten to fourteen days of an eye sore on your lip. Let's try to analyze some of the triggers for cold sores and gain control over this herpes problem. By knowing what the conditions are that help create the cold sore blisters we have some mastery over the problem.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Three Benefits of High Intensity Interval Training | If you are looking for a new workout regime, or are just looking for some new challenges, high intensity interval training might be a good option to try. This video discusses 3 of the benefits of this type of routine.

Stress Management 101 The Linden Method for Panic Attacks

This video discusses the Linden Method for dealing with panic attacks, OCD, and stress related issues.

You are minding your own business when it hits.

Your heart races, your chest tightens, your palms sweat, you get dizzy, and a sense of danger overtakes you. Another panic attack strikes again.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to stop panic attacks and anxiety for good? No more churning thoughts, no more rushing to the bathroom in distress, no more depersonalization, and no more wondering when the next attack is going to happen.

The Linden Method promises to eliminate OCD, phobias, anxiety and panic attacks by reversing the trauma caused by anxiety to a key area of your brain. And, the reviews back up Charles Linden's claims.

It has effectively stopped panic attacks and anxiety in over 96% of its users. It is a drug-free program that has endorsements from both doctors and psychologists. And, it is 100% guaranteed. It is currently being used by health care professionals all over the world.

The Linden Method says it will restore your self-confidence, give you the opportunity to live your life again instead of just surviving day to day, completely eradicate symptoms of anxiety, and stop the endless cycle of worry about your health.

The Linden Method information concentrates on the root of anxiety and quickly eliminates the cause.

It is an easy to follow method for eliminating panic attacks and anxiety. This could be the anxiety cure you have been searching for. It has been reviewed by many people. It is highly effective in its promise to teach its users how to be panic free and how to return to their normal lives before the panic and anxiety ever happened. And, it promises to do it all without harmful and addictive medications or costly therapy appointments.

I have read as many reviews as possible and have often seen claims of full recovery from anxiety in as little as one week or two after starting the Linden Method.

Wouldn't it be worth it to find out if the Linden Method is right for you?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, and Relief | Irritable Bowel Syndrome affects about 54 million people in the United States, or about 20% of the population. This video describes what IBS is and a few of the methods used to live with this condition

Thursday, March 16, 2017

How to Cure Bad Breath Permanently

As humans, being liked, popular and sought after is a natural desire inherent in each of us. This is why deodorants, toothpastes, gym memberships and fancy cars sell at astronomical rates. This is also why mints are so popular and hardly a day goes by without someone at work, school or in public asking you "do you have some gum?" You already know what that person may be trying to curb or correct: Bad Breath. (It also relieves you this person didn't offer you some!) I wrote once in an article in my blog titled "You've lost the weight but how clean are you on the inside?" that exterior indications-though very convincing and at times correct-don't necessary depict proper health, as disease may manifest itself in various ways. One strong indication of disease is always stench, as a result, if you suffer from bad breath or as is Medically diagnosed, halitosis, this is a sign that you need to make some drastic dietetic changes or undergo a cleanse to curb this unpleasant occurrence. Using toothpastes (especially the controversial and hazardous fluorinated ones), mints and chewing-gums to curb bad breath, like any artificial drug for any disease, doesn't cure this ailment but only masks its symptoms temporarily-only for it to come back in full force. This explains why we as humans become addicted to all sorts of unnatural and oft time hazardous substances ranging from pain killers to alcohol. The necessary and very effective measures one should take in eliminating bad breath are the following (you can trust this author who even upon waking up doesn't have the so-called 'morning breath', falsely and commonly accepted as being naturalnothing my friends could be further from the truth!) 1. Make a change in your diet; for as is known in every culture known to man; "You are what you eat!" Hippocrates- the Father of Medicine once said: "Let your foods be your medicine and your medicines your food", well 'what should I eat?' the uninformed might ask: Plain and simple: alkaline forming/mucus binding foods also known as, you guessed it right (if you've read my other articles elsewhere) Fruits and Vegetables. One common indication of disease besides stench is always mucus and this is introduced into the body by only one means, what you consume, therefore all measures should be taken to eat the foods that not only nourish you but have the added ability and benefit of being able to bind and eradicate the excessive mucus. I am not trying to be a pro-vegan or vegetarian (heck I've smelled bad breath and strong body odor on the most blindly fanatical of both kinds of people before) but, from experiments and being a nature lover, all vegetarian animals-free of human captivity or at least allowed to eat their natural diets (for examples the grazing cattle who consume only grass) DO NOT have any bad breath. For a good example of a suggested daily menu plan, look for my article on 'How to get rid of Acne in 10 days' on this site as space is a constricting factor at this time. 2. Practice basic natural oral hygiene. As I indicated in the core e-book of my site, practitioners of Yoga such as the hard-core ones in India, Africa and even here in the USA know of such ancient techniques of cleansing the body that-though not as necessary for the beginner-are very, very effective for eliminating bad breath. Type "kunjar kriya" up in Google and read what this process is. Being an advanced technique that must be practiced under supervision, a simple and less repugnant (if you think) process will be: -Brushing the teeth with a toothbrush and pure all natural un-iodized Sea-salt or using an African Chewing stick or even a firm toothbrush exclusively. I always get compliments on my dentition and smile and besides my mother's genes (if I may be so vain) using one of these methods has proven to me to be the safer and more effective methods of dental hygiene as outlined in chapter 11 of the text mentioned elsewhere in this article. -Massage the gums with your clean index fingers. This essential practice strengthens the gums and cleans out impurities from its pores. -After this; join the index, middle and ring fingers and massage the back of the tongue thoroughly for the same purpose. -When you are done with these two procedures, scrape the tongue thoroughly with a tongue scraper designed exclusively for this or a blunt bread-knife. Intermittently, between all the steps above, you should rinse the mouth with warm saline water and ensure to gargle with this solution upon completion. As you may have observed from the steps above (and in most of my articles) alleviating the symptom of a discomfort such as bad breath is mostly a two-part procedure: A drastic change in the diet (internal) and natural cleansing procedures/exercises (external). To complete the three limbs of Naturopathy, your positive and open-minded approach in reading this article takes care of the positive thinking aspect. It never ceases to amaze me how the population so naively accepts mere fads, hyped products and so called drugs to eradicate the myriad of our modern day ailments, but take it from a guy who suffered (note the PAST tense) from asthma, acne, bad breath and depression for a long length of time, most if not all common diseases of this age can and will be things of the past if some basic all-natural methods such as the steps above for bad breath are applied.

3 Little Known Tips For Helping With Sleep Apnea Research

This may come as a surprise to you, but sleep apnea is more common than you think. Yes, while it might seem like you are the only one who suffers from sleep apnea, we'd be willing to be that at least a few of your close neighbors suffer from it to. Well, the information age now allows you to listen to thousands of different opinions and possible cures for whatever ails you. Sleep apnea is no different. Follow these three tips and you should be all set in your quest for more information. 1) Start with a basic search on multiple websites. Try the regulars like Yahoo, Google, and MSN. Try searching for 'sleep apnea symptoms' or 'sleep apnea treatment.' Getting multiple sources of information can only make your information quest easier. Some search engines are better for some types of information (Google seems to be especially handy for scientific searches) while others are not. Get a lot of different information sources. 2) Another great source of information for everything is While we definitely don't recommend trying to treat your sleep apnea yourself based upon the information you find (always see a physician, we aren't physicians and can't give a medical opinion), is a good place to start looking for any information as it is "user edited". "User edited" means that anyone can conceivably change the information on It's almost like a democracy of information presentation. It's definitely worth a look in your sleep apnea research. 3) Don't forget to look for information specifically on understanding sleep apnea. If you can't understand what sleep apnea is, you are going to have a tough time even if you follow tips #1 and #2 to the letter. Get informed and try to understand what sleep apnea is. There are a ton of great resources out there if you look hard enough.